How to Increase Suction in Pool Skimmers? Remove Unwanted Particles

How to Increase Suction in Pool Skimmers? Remove Unwanted Particles

Skimmers are an integral feature of any pool’s filtration system, serving to remove unwanted particles from the water’s surface. To do this, they draw in water through an orifice, filter out any particles with a strainer basket, and release the purified water back into the environment. At some point, the skimmer’s ability to pull in clean water will weaken, making it harder to do so.

Because this is a prevalent problem that reduces your filtering system’s efficacy, we’ve included some of the most common reasons and recommendations for fixing it. Check out my comprehensive article on fixing common pool skimming issues for more advice.

How Can You Tell if The Suction in Your Skimmer Is Weak?

Check the filter tank’s pressure gauge. Start by determining the ideal flow rate for your tank (refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines if you’re unsure), and then you can calculate the initial pressure for your filter.

How Do You Know if Your Skimmerโ€™s Suction is Low?

The pressure drop should be reduced by backwashing the pump’s basket and filter. Turn the pump back on and continue operating as usual. Accordingly, a low suction issue is present if the PSI either climbs by 5โ€“10 pounds or reads lower than usual.

An abnormal PSI value would be either below 10 or above 25, depending on the filter model you’re using.

There is probably an impediment after the pump if your pressure is significantly greater than usual. If it’s significantly lower than usual, the problem is on the suction side of the system, either at or before the pump.

Some more warning indicators are:

  • Due to A Clog, the Pool Skimmer Has Been Disabled
  • Water Table Reduction
  • Preventing the Skimmer Basket from Draining
  • Filters with Stained Cartridges
  • Reduced Impeller Efficiency Due to Gunk
  • Lightweight Pump
  • Worn-Out Pre-Pump Filter
  • Air Holes

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How to Increase Suction in Pool Skimmers: Causes and Their Solutions

Although low suction may seem like a minor problem, it can have serious consequences for your pool’s operation. If you discover that your pool skimmer has weak suction, you might try some of the solutions listed below.

How to Increase Suction in Pool Skimmers?

Due to A Clog, the Pool Skimmer Has Been Disabled

Pool skimmer suction issues can occur when the skimmer becomes clogged with trash and other material. Leaves, toys, stones, and other debris are just some of the many items that might become trapped in a filter system.

Getting a garden hose and splashing water into the skimmer in order to loosen the rubbish is necessary if you want to get it unclogged. Your pool’s suction can be fixed, making it easier for the water to move around.

Water Table Reduction

Insufficient pool water can make it difficult for the skimmer to collect water for cleaning. Low water levels can cause the filtration system to work too hard, which can cause bubbling, overheating, or air to get in.

It’s easy to fix the problem. Turn on the fill valve and fill the pool to the appropriate depth for your skimmer and pool size. If you want to keep the water pressure in your skimmer constant, you should fill the pool to about halfway up its opening.

Preventing the Skimmer Basket from Draining

Ascertain that the skimmer basket is clear of any debris. A decrease in water pressure might result from a clogged line between the pump and the skimmer, which allows surface water to overflow into a suction pipe that flows to the filter.

Take out the basket, and throw away the collected junk (use a pair of gloves, it can get quite dirty). When the obstruction has been cleared, you should give it a good soaking with water. Doing this on a consistent basis is something I highly recommend doing.

Filters with Stained Cartridges

Maintaining a clean pool requires that all of the machinery working in it do so in unison. It is possible that your pool’s cartridge filters are dirty, clogged, or in need of repair, so it is important to inspect the complete filtration system. Low suction could be caused by a broken filter with frayed or worn bands, flattened pleats, broken end caps, or a persistent oily residue.

Make sure the filter is doing its job by soaking the cartridges in a cleaning solution overnight to remove all grease. If they’re still brown after doing this, it’s time to get new ones. When using a sand filter, it’s possible that the sand is out of date. Put in new sand.

Reduced Impeller Efficiency Due to Gunk

The problem of a blocked impeller is commonly overlooked by pool owners. This issue limits normal water circulation, so no water reaches the skimmer.

  • The pool pump can’t move as much water because it doesn’t have as much suction.
  • When this occurs, thorough cleaning of the impeller will remove the obstruction.
  • Problems with the skimmer’s clogged suction line

The skimmer’s two primary lines are the return and suction lines. A possible clog would be in the suction lines, as the return lines only carry clean water. A noisy pump with weak suction could be a sign of trouble.

After conducting a series of tests to determine which suction line is malfunctioning, all other intakes should be shut off. Only the blocked line should be functional. Take off the top of the pump and insert the hose, then turn on the water to full pressure to flush out the clog. This ought to unclog the pipe. Nonetheless, if the obstruction persists, it’s best to call in an expert.

Lightweight Pump

Over time, you may have added extras to your pool that interfere with the pump’s ability to do its job. As a result, there may be fewer vacuums created.

You can fix the problem by buying a new pump that is good enough for your needs right now. additionally, we have another guide for you on “how long can a pool go without a pump.”

Worn-Out Pre-Pump Filter

You might also examine the pre-pump filter to determine if it needs to be cleaned. similar to the skimmer filter, but designed to trap bigger particles. The housing of this filter is typically translucent. It may be clogged and in need of cleaning if it is dark inside.

You may clean it with a hose by opening the lid, removing the plastic filter, and then rinsing the device. After you’ve finished cleaning, you should double-check the interior for any signs of damage, such as leaks or cracks. You should hand-tighten it after reinstalling it to make sure the seal stays in place.

Once it’s put back where it belongs, the suction shouldn’t have any more problems.

Air Holes

Skimmers with air leaks are a bad investment. Imagine trying to drink from a straw that is missing a piece. Some of the most common reasons for air leaks are broken valves, loose drain plugs, not enough water, blockages, and impellers that are stuck.

A loose pump lid is the most common cause of air leaks and is also the easiest to repair. If the lid seems to be loose, you can check for cracks in it or try opening it and reattaching it with more force. Turn it a couple of times more to make sure it seals well.

If it doesn’t fix it, you might want to get all the o-rings serviced. O-rings should be removed from their housings, cleaned, lubricated, and then reinstalled in their respective valves and lids to ensure a watertight seal. Repeat the skimmer operation.

When troubleshooting fails and air leaks persist, it’s time to call in the experts.

Also Read: How to Get Leaves out Of Pool? A Guide to Resolve the Issue


These are the most popular techniques to fix pool skimmers with weak suction power, although there are others. These solutions tend to be the most helpful of all the issues pool owners face. Use these methods to restore full suction power to your pool skimmer.

If your pool skimmer seems to have less suction strength than usual, try some of the solutions we’ve outlined here. There’s a good chance that at least one of these will do the trick. We sincerely hope that our tutorial on “How to Increase Suction in Pool Skimmers” was helpful to you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Do You Know if Your Skimmer Is Working Properly?

Examine the water’s motion carefully. Low or nonexistent suction is indicated by the absence of significant water flow through the skimmer hole. This results in unclean, murky water that is hazardous to swim in since neither water nor debris is being sucked in as it should be.

How Do I Increase the Suction on My Intex Pool Skimmer?

If your filter isn’t particularly powerful, use the plug that comes with the kit to seal off the second strainer cap/cover. The hole in the stopper was designed to reduce the suction on the strainer while increasing it on the skimmer. (You may use the same plug to attach a pool vacuum.)

How Do You Know if Your Skimmer Is Working Properly?

Turn off the pool pump, then remove the pump cover and pump basket before inserting the garden hose as far as it will go into the intake side (away from the pump) and turning on the water supply. Water is freely flowing into the skimmer from the bottom, thus there is no obstruction.

How Much Suction Should a Skimmer Have?

In essence, he suggests that pools have a suction capacity of at least 200 percent between the skimmers and the drains. The skimmers, however, should be used to manage at least two-thirds of the suction in most pools and spas.






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