How to Waterproof a Cinder Block Pool Increase Pool's Durability

How to Waterproof a Cinder Block Pool? Increase Pool’s Durability

Because they appear to be solid and long-lasting, cinder blocks are now a popular alternative when you require construction supplies. But if you replace the old or broken parts, you might not have to fix them. block is certainly adaptable and simple to use. But when exposed to water, it can also become damaged, just like other building materials.

Water-related problems are typically solved by replacing existing materials with new ones. However, if you replace the outdated, broken materials, you may be able to avoid needing to fix them.

In some circumstances, you may have no choice but to deal with them and have them rectified. Cinder blocks aren’t the best material to use for building concrete swimming pools.

The fact is that because the material is porous, the structures they produce are vulnerable to cracking and disintegrating. Due to this, cinder block pool owners are motivated to discover a waterproofing solution. A bigger problem may arise from cinder blocks’ porous nature if you’re worried about drifting debris on a windy day.

What Are the Cinder Blocks?

Cinder blocks are created by pouring a mixture of sand, gravel, and cement into molds to form rectangular blocks of solid concrete. The blocks are then fired in a kiln to cure (harden). These blocks are sturdy and long-lasting, and they may be used for many things, including the construction of swimming pools.

what are the cinder blocks? completely explained here

In recent years, cinder block pools have proliferated due to their low initial cost and simplicity of maintenance. Cinder block swimming pools do have one disadvantage, though: if the seams are not properly sealed, they can leak. And soon enough, we’ll talk about how to keep your cinder block pool dry so you may use it for many years to come.

Why Would Your Cinder Block Pool Need to Be Waterproofed?

It’s crucial to waterproof a cinder block pool to keep water from leaking through the blocks and harming the nearby soil or building. Water can also weaken the mortar holding the blocks together, which might result in more leaks.

If you don’t protect your cinder block pool from water, you can end up having to spend a lot of money and effort on repairs. Because of this, it is very important to completely seal your cinder block pool to keep water damage from happening.

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When Should Your Cinder Block Pool Be Waterproofed?

Here are some telltale indications that indicate whether or not your cinder block pool needs waterproofing:

  • Your cinder block pool’s water is murky and has a greenish tint.
  • The sides of your pool are covered with a lot of algae.
  • Your pool’s walls appear to be far too moist.

When your pool demonstrates any of these symptoms, waterproofing is unquestionably necessary.

The best course of action is to waterproof your cinder block pool every few years, even if none of these warning signs are present. After all, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Additionally, we have a different guide for concrete pool waterproofing, hope you like it.

Essential Tools for Waterproofing a Cinder Block Pool

What you will need to complete this project is:

  1. Protective lenses
  2. durable gloves
  3. a respirator mask
  4. Wire brooms
  5. Cleanup tools (vacuum, brooms, rags)
  6. machine mixer
  7. Sticky knife
  8. Waterproof hydraulic water-stop cement
  9. Seal Flex (spray, liquid, or paste)
  10. Extreme Drylok
  11. a heavy-duty masonry sprayer, a brush with nylon bristles, a drylok brush, or a 34-inch nap roller
  12. Sandpaper

How to Waterproof a Cinder Block Pool?

Below are some guidelines for waterproofing a cinder block pool.

How to Waterproof a Cinder Block Pool? completely explained

Method 1: Waterproofing Cinder Block Pool

1. Prepare the Cinder Blocks

Before beginning any work on your swimming area, you should clear it of all dirt and debris to prevent the possibility of water leaks. Additionally, now is a great opportunity to inspect your cinder blocks to make sure they are not rusted or broken.

2. Apply a coat of Cementitious Epoxy

Cementitious sealer application comes next. This will aid in preventing water and moisture from entering your pool. Choose the sealer that is most appropriate for your needs from the various sorts that are available. Just wait until the coating is totally dry after that to start swimming in your pool.

You can seal the pool’s surface and keep water from seeping in by plastering it with a cementitious epoxy coating. However, merely doing so won’t be sufficient to prevent water damage to your pool.

3. Caulking

Although it’s not necessary, you can use a caulking gun or another sort of caulk. The caulk can be applied with a brush to the walls of your swimming area, but you don’t have to do it all at once since if you apply it too forcefully, it will give way and leak water.

4. Sanding

Before applying the waterproofing compound, you must smooth out the walls of the swimming area using sandpaper. For it, you can use a hand-held rotary sander or power sander. It is crucial to do this because if you don’t, loose debris from your cinder blocks could get wedged between the waterproofing material and the wall, causing leaks.

Also Read: How to Change Sand in Pool Filter and Sustain the Shine

5. Utilizing

Your sanded-down walls need to receive a coat of waterproofing material before receiving another coating on top of that. Before you begin working on your swimming area, you must ensure that it has been completely sealed.

6. Finalizing

Before leaving your swimming area for a few days, clear away any extra material and check that there is absolutely no moisture there so that water cannot infiltrate through the walls. In order for it to drain correctly, you must also make sure that there is enough space between the wall of your swimming area and any other structures.

7. Painting

Prior to beginning to paint over the sanded-down cinder blocks, you must first paint a layer of waterproofing material on top of them. Before applying a coat over the waterproofing substance, make sure you’ve left enough space between the swimming area wall and any other structures so that it can drain properly.

Method 2: Use a Waterproofing spray

Use a waterproofing spray to further protect your cinder block pool after the epoxy has dried. This will make it easier to prevent water from penetrating the mortar joints. Use a non-polluting waterproofing spray instead.

Before you start swimming in your pool, make sure to properly follow the instructions and give the spray time to dry completely.

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method 3: Apply Drylok Extreme

Masonry can be almost entirely waterproofed by using Drylok Extreme, a special waterproofer.

It makes a semi-permeable layer that keeps water and vapor out (1 perm rating) and has a biocide that stops mildew from growing on the dried paint film.

It is made of latex, has a dazzling white surface, and may be tinted whatever color you choose.

Like any other paint, Drylok Extreme can be applied using a 34-inch nap roller, a Drylok brush, a high-quality nylon bristle brush, or a powerful sprayer.

It is incredibly simple to maintain and clean with just soap and water, and after just 24 hours it may be top-coated

Method 4: Apply Flex Seal to the pool

A substance called Flex Seal is a thick liquid that sprays out, seeps into any microcracks, and then dries to form a rubberized covering that is both flexible and watertight.

Because it keeps them sealed as the building “settles” over time, this process is crucial for the pool’s corners, edges, and vertical stops.

Flex Seal is available as a liquid, paste, or spray.

You can select the one with which you are most familiar.

The spray is by far the easiest to use because it doesn’t need any extra tools and is easy to direct where you want it to go.

Risks or Cons of Waterproofing a Cinder Block Pool?

The process of waterproofing a cinder block pool has dangers and disadvantages. The major risk is having to do the entire job yourself, which means using your hands, tools, and possibly some machinery like an air compressor or sprayer.

If you do it yourself, there isn’t much of a risk, but if you have to ask someone else to do it for you, there may be a problem.

The other disadvantage is that some cinder block pools have experienced problems later on as a result of water damage caused by the epoxy used to waterproof them.

Because of this, it’s crucial to choose a water-resistant and waterproofing material while building your cinder block pool to avoid issues with the glue or sealant in the future.

Also Read: What You Should Be Done with Your Pool When Itโ€™s Rain?


One of the most crucial things you can do to make sure your swimming pool lasts for many years is to waterproof a cinder block pool.

It’s also simple and inexpensive, but it calls for a few specialized tools that you might not have, including air compressors and sprayers.

A cinder block pool’s waterproofing typically costs between $200 and $300.

But if you do a complicated remodel or seal the concrete with expensive materials like epoxy, it could cost as much as a few thousand dollars! 

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do Cinder Blocks Absorb Water?

Concrete blocks are porous, therefore if they are buried below the soil line, a lot of water will be absorbed by them. Water permeates the block pores and the soil before condensing inside the block wall.

Do You Need to Waterproof Cinder Block Pools?

However, concrete blocks need to be treated and sealed because they are far more porous than poured concrete and have more mortar joints than concrete. The best concrete block waterproofing materials can be hand-rolled, sprayed on, or applied with a liquid adhesive to prepped walls.

Which Parts of The Pool Are Most Vulnerable to Leaks?

Most leaks occur where cinder blocks contact concrete. Because cinder block Pool

mortar is less resilient than concrete, it cracks and crumbles over time.

To prevent leaks, apply waterproofing compound consistently to guarantee proper coverage and sealing. Waterproof all seams between cinder blocks and concrete.

If your cinder block pool has lights or fountains, make sure to waterproof them as well, but not with cementitious coatings.

What Is the Best Way to Waterproof Concrete?

The most typical method of waterproofing concrete is to apply a liquid waterproofing solution made especially for that purpose. When applied to the exterior of a concrete wall, liquid waterproofing gel transforms from a thick substance into a rubber-like layer.






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